Easter is just around the corner, and This Blue Dress has compiled the best cupcake designs for you! These designs are easy, cute, and a surefire way to wow your guests on this holiday. Letโ€™s walk you through each of these designs!

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We recommend purchasing a cake decorating set, like this Wilson set that has all the bags and tips you need to make these cupcakes. It’s much cheaper than buying all the tools individually, and it comes with a handy case so you have everything in one place for all your decorating projects!

Jelly Bean Cupcake

Jelly bean cupcakes are perfect for Easter or spring and easy for kids to make!

This cupcake was quick and super easy! Use any flavor of cake, but we would suggest vanilla or fruity to compliment the flavor of the jellybeans. Use a star frosting tip (numbers 18, 20, 21 preferably) and swirl vanilla buttercream on top. Gently place jellybeans on the frosting.

For the base cake, we preferred vanilla. Betty Crocker white-vanilla cake is delicious! Use any store bought mix, or make them from scratch! Betty Crocker vanilla buttercream is a delicious pair for the vanilla cake.

Fill the frosting bag after choosing tip size (see Madisonโ€™s cupcake baking and decorating post for more detailed tips). Start the swirl on the outside of the cupcake and as you gain height, move towards the middle like the shape of a cinnamon swirl. For our jellybeans, we used Starburst Jelly Beans (they are an Easter staple in the Crouch house).

Carrot Top Cupcake

Carrot top cupcakes are another easy option to make with kids!

For the chocolate lovers out there, this is your new go-to Easter cupcake! Start with a chocolate cupcake as your base. I love Betty Crockerโ€™s Super Moist collection and would recommend either the Devilโ€™s Food or Triple Chocolate Fudge mixes.

Frost the top of the cupcake with a flat layer of chocolate frosting and make sure the top and the edges of the cupcake are completely covered.

Next, select approximately 5 Oreos and scrape the filling from them. Place the โ€œnakedโ€ Oreos in a food processor and grind until they become a fine powder. (If you do not have a food processor, you can crush the Oreos in a ziplock bag using a rolling pin.)

These easy cupcakes will delight your friends and family!

Roll the frosted cupcake in the Oreo crumbs and cover it completely. Add orange (or red and yellow) food coloring to white frosting and mix until the color resembles a carrot.

Place into a frosting bag with a large round decorating tip. Start in the center of the cupcake and spiral a small circle in the middle of the cupcake. You will want to leave the outer edges of the cupcake alone so it appears the carrot is sitting in dirt.

Cut green sour punch straws into pieces and place three of the pieces on top of the orange frosting to serve as carrot leaves. You are done!

Spring Grass Cupcakes

This easy spring grass cupcake is so delicious and cute!

Nothing says spring like beautiful green grass! In a large mixing bowl, add green food coloring to vanilla buttercream frosting. Start with a little dye (only 2 drops per cup of frosting) to avoid going dark green (you can easily add more if you want a darker/richer color). Easter is all about the pastels!

Insert tip #233 into frosting bag and fill with green frosting. Hold bag so it is resting directly above cake, do not set the tip IN the cake, just ON the cake. Gently squeeze frosting to where it is barely touching the cupcake, then slowly pull the bag up to about an inch above the cake. Think push and pull motions.

Shorter grass works best, so once you are ยฝ-1 inch above the cake, stop squeezing and jerk your hand up to break the flow of icing. It will make the grass look pointy!

You made one blade, now continue to cover the cupcake using that same motion. If the motion is hard, try practicing on a wax baking sheet first. You can scrape your attempts right back into the frosting bag! To complete add candies like (like Robinโ€™s Eggs or Starburst Jelly Beans) on top!

Bird’s Nest Cupcakes

After frosting the top of the cupcake with the โ€œgrassโ€ (see above), try this simple trick to add another element to your cupcakes! Use round tips #2 or #3, depending on how thick you want your nest to look. Insert tip in frosting bag, and fill with fudge frosting.

The motion for the nest is simple! Start a circular motion with the frosting, and layer the thin lines on top of each other to โ€œbuild your nestโ€. Do more layers for larger nests, and fewer layers for smaller nests. It is THAT easy! Add candies or peeps to your nest.

A yummy trio of easy cupcakes that you can make with your kids for Easter!

Hopefully one of these Easter cupcakes has caught your fancy! They are super fun to make with your kids and are a great addition to any Easter dinner or party. Which one of these is your favorite design?

-MaLee, Madison. & Tara