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Easter in Quarantine: How to Pull it Off

Hey y’all. Easter is this weekend. A time of year usually spent in beautiful new spring dresses and suits, hunting for eggs filled with treats in the grass of a large lawn.

This year, that looks a little bit different. So what can we do to still make Easter fun? Here are some classic Easter traditions you can still pull off while in quarantine!

Quarantine Easter Ideas

Easter Baskets and Hunts

I got lucky this year and happened to be at Target when they were shelving all the Easter goodies in the dollar spot. I am not usually prepared in advance, this was just a fluke!

But this year I have a few fun activities to put in their baskets. You have time though! You can order some fun treats through grocery pick up, or online at different retailers.

Amazon delivery days are so far away when you go to checkout, but I have been lucky and still had my things delivered within a few days. If you’re willing to risk it, that might not be the worst option. 

If you are trying not to go out or order anything, then look for fun things around your home! What are some treats that you already have that you could put in their baskets?

(You can also whip up a cute treat using ingredients you already have in your kitchen, like sugar cookies or these easy Easter cupcakes!) Maybe you could write some heartfelt notes about why you love them so much.

Even if you decide to forgo baskets this year, Easter can still be a fun experience. There are still ways to make things special even without purchasing anything new. 

You could do a fun scavenger hunt and end with a family game or movie night! You can get creative with Easter egg hunts using these cute ideas from You’ve got this!

Coloring Eggs

I personally am going to order some PAAS kits from Walmart. These are a staple in our house. But! There are tons of other options!!!! You can use markers, sharpies or crayons or whatever you can find in your house. 

It can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be. 

Christian Focus

If you are of the Christian persuasion, you could totally forgo the Easter bunny altogether this year and make everything focused on the Savior. You can fill your Easter eggs with signs and symbols related to His resurrection.

You can also make “resurrection” rolls or cookies.

(For even more ideas, follow us on Pinterest and visit our Easter board!)

Whatever you choose to do, have fun! Hug your kids, tell them you love them. You can do this! 


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