I hope you all caught the not-so-subtle Sound of Music allusion there. LOVE that movie!! This is just kind of a hodge podge list, to help y’all get to know us better.
So here I go! (disclaimer, I have a HARD time making decisions! So I have a few favorites of everything (like ice cream flavors). I’ll try my best to not overwhelm you and keep it simple but no promises!)
P.s. These are in no particular order, just whatever popped into my head. Ok, now I’ll start for reals
1. My absolute favorite day is May 28, 2011 when I got to be sealed to my husband for eternity.
2. My favorite people are my family. Especially when my kids have curbed their sass.
3. I love to play the piano, it is such a good stress reliever! And a great outlet when I need to seriously vent without going all crazy on my family…that’s never happened before…shhhh
4. I love to read!! I have tons of favorite books, but if I had to read one thing for the rest of ever, I would choose the Harry Potter series. #potterhead
5. One of my favorite date nights is going out to dinner with my husband and then going to a movie. Super simple, but I get to hold his hand alllll night which is pretty dang fantastic.
6. One of my favorite things to do with my kids is go to the pool. They can splash and stay cool and most importantly get out their energy! We have a blast and then they come home and sleep so well. Ahhhh Heaven.
7. I love to read with my kids. I love that snuggle time! I love that they both want to be on my ever disappearing lap and cuddle while we delve into adventures!
8. My favorite vacation growing up was going on a Disney Cruise with my parents. Seriously amazing!!
9. I love to snuggle at night with Husband and watch Netflix. (Right now we’re watching The Office, and we love it!)
10. I love visiting family. I love being all together no matter what we’re doing. I love that my family is eternal and that we can be together forever. I think that’s my favorite thing of all.