Wasn’t General Conference incredible?!

(Never heard of General Conference? You can learn more about it at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints official website or this post.)

I always love Conference, but this time felt extra special. And not just because I think the two-hour block will really bless my family with little ones and special needs struggles! I felt that Heavenly Father has lots of blessings in store for all of us as we seek to follow the counsel we were given.

I usually make a General Conference study plan for my personal or couple study, but my husband Joey felt impressed that we should also study the talks more as a family the next six months. So we made a plan!

Just like with our Song of the Week program, I made a simple schedule so we have a framework and don’t have to take the time to select talks each week.

General Conference Study Plan Ideas for Families and Individuals

How My Family Will Study October 2018 General Conference

We’re going to focus on one or two talks a week according to the schedule below. Our plan is super simple, but I love reading other families’ ideas so here’s what we’re doing!

1. Watch or listen to the week’s talk(s) as a family, usually on Sunday or during Family Home Evening.

You can quickly pull up a talk to watch here. We also love using the Gospel Library app to watch the talks on our Apple TV.

2. Study the talk in our personal study.

My husband and I do this part. I like to mark each talk with two colors: pink for any doctrine or quotes that stand out to me and green for anything we were asked to do. I also pray about what my family needs to learn from that talk.

3. Do a simple activity together that’s related to the talk.

Our sweet baby surprised us by being born six weeks early the week after Conference, so we’re just getting started on these activities! Our children helped us think of these ideas that young children might enjoy:

  • Act out a story from the talk
  • Draw pictures of your favorite part
  • Choose an object that reminds you of the talk and do “show and tell” to explain why you chose that object
  • Make a list of scriptures that were quoted
  • Write a letter to someone and include your favorite quote
  • Go on a family walk and discuss the talk
  • Learn more about the person who gave the talk
  • Make a treat that goes with the talk (Sister Franco’s talk with the story about chocolate cake would be perfect for this!)
  • Play hangman with keywords that go with the talk
  • Prepare a mini-lesson about the talk and teach the rest of the family
  • Memorize a quote
  • Create a video or skit about the talk
  • Make a Conference poster and draw or write keywords from the talk each week
  • Play this wonderful Conference jeopardy shared by Elder Neil L. Andersen
4. Display a quote or reminder from the talk in our home.

I’m still working on a cute way to do this in our new house, but for now we’ll be writing a thought on our menu board near our dining room. You could use anything from a notecard taped somewhere to a beautiful hand-lettered sign.

We’re excited to learn more from this General Conference as a family until next April!

Oct 2018 General Conference Study Plan preview

Oct 2018 General Conference Study Plan pdf

(Feel free to use and adapt for your family! Just please don’t post it anywhere claiming as your own. Thanks!)

You might also enjoy reading some the This Blue Dress sisters’ favorite quotes from the October 2018 Conference.

I’d love to hear your ideas for studying General Conference with your family!

October 2018 General Conference Study Plan--Schedule and ideas to study the talks together as a family or in your personal study #thisbluedress #latterdaysaints #generalconference #study #printables

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